Whipped Herbal Coffee (caffeine free, dalgona style)

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a quarantined mom in possession of confined children must be in want of a good beverage (or two)". If this is you, you came to the right place. I've got quite the treat for you today. It's caffeine-free so you can share (optional) with your kids so you don't have to hide in the closet from them while you enjoy your treat (unless you want to - we all need alone time, right?). Dalgona coffee is a lovely whipped coffee. Think of a latte with frothy milk then reverse it. Now the milk is on the bottom and the sweet coffee on top is whipped and frothy. According to the web, Dalgona coffee started as a trend on tiktok that originated in China and was inspired or named after a Korean candy. My first experience with Dalgona coffee was a photo. Scrolling through instagram, an image of this lusciously whipped coffee over milk popped up. Nothing like beautiful food to get the thumb to stop scrolling. My immediate thought...